EndyMed PRO with Intensif


  • Advanced 3DEEP Technology delivers RF energy for uniform volumetric skin tightening. Multiple hand pieces allow for treatments anywhere on the face and body.
  • iFine-advanced RF delivery for precise energy delivery around eye, eye lids and mouth. Reduction of under eye sagging, eyelid hooding and fine lines of eye and mouth areas.
  • Intensif- microneedling plus RF delivery within the dermis. Temperature monitoring within the dermis guarantees proper dermal heating. Treatment options include wrinkle reduction, acne scar/surgical scar revision, stretch mark correction and hyperhidrosis treatment.

3DEEP Large Handpiece

3DEEP Intensif Handpiece

3DEEP Small Handpiece

3DEEP Shaper Image Handpiece

3DEEP Fine Handpiece

The EndyMed PRO with Intensif Results